Scientific publications | Medici per i Diritti Umani

Scientific publications

medu pub covid 19

CoViD-19 in Italy: homeless population needs protection

CoViD-19 in Italy: homeless population needs protectionALBERTO BARBIERI11Doctors for Human Rights Italy (MEDU), Rome, Italy.Received and accepted on April 29, 2020.Summary. Italy is one of the most affected countries by the new coronavirus (CoViD-19) pandemic. In the country, there are an estimated 49,000-52,000 home-less people. People experiencing homelessness are among...
terapia cognitivo comportamentale medu

Efficacy of third wave cognitive therapies in the treatment of psychosis: a meta-review

The therapeutic approaches of the so-called “third wave” of clinical cognitivism have assumed increasing relevance in recent years alongside cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of psychosis. Aims: to evaluate the efficacy of some of the most relevant third wave cognitive-behavioral approaches (metacognitive interventions and therapies based on mindfulness and acceptance)...
terapia cognitivo comportamentale medu

Efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of psychosis:a meta-review

Although cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT)for psychosisis recommended by the main international guide-lines, its effective efficacy in the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis is still debated. PDF: Efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of psychosis
trauma complesso caso medu

Complex trauma and migration. The case of Mohamed

Complex trauma – torture and other serious abuses suffered in the country of origin or along the migratory route – seems to have reached an “epidemic” dimension in the context of migratory flows towards Italy and Europe. In this context it beco-mes particularly relevant to understand the possible factors favoring...