Mobile clinic in Rome

MEDU’s mobile unit in Rome – a camper equipped as a clinic – targets informal settlements,and railway  stations. The objective is to provide:
  • primary healthcare
  • information on the right to health and on access to social and health care services in the area.

The mobile unit gives on-site medical aid, whose goal is not only limited to providing treatment, but also aims at the overall well-being of individuals.

After conducting a preliminary assessment, MEDU’s staff visits the identified settlements three times per week with the camper.

The multi-disciplinary team of the mobile clinic is composed of:

  • a project coordinator
  • a clinic coordinator
  • a social and legal worker
  • two cultural mediators
  • a logistician
  • a group of volunteers including doctors, psychologists and social workers and legal professionals.

The identification of the most vulnerable groups among forced migrants (victims of torture and intentional violence, unaccompanied minors, single parents with children, pregnant women, elderly, disabled, physically and mentally ill) is of great significance, paying special attention towards victims of torture and cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment who show the physical and psychological consequences of such treatments. It is importance to continuously work on the enhancement of the network through services, institutions and associations, with a view to a system intervention – based on subsidiarity between public and private social entities – capable of providing effective and multi-level responses.


  • Primary healthcare, as well as counsuling on social and healthcare services.
  • Identification of vulnerable people and referrals to reception, social and health services, alongside with social and legal assistance in the area.
  • Identification of vulnerable patients and referrals to local mental health services and to the center MEDU-Psychè.
  • Doctors and volunteers’ training on MEDU’s working methodology, international protection, access to the rights and protection of vulnerable categories.
  • Beneficiaries’ training on prevention and promotion of mental and physical health.
  • Advocacy with the public and with institutions on the social reality of extremely vulnerable segments of the population – promoting the respect of their fundamental rights, and awareness rising on the tortures and inhumane, degrading treatments that forced migrants suffer in their countries of origin and along migratory routes.

The project is constantly in search of new volunteers (doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and legal professionals) who could collaborate with the Camper MEDU team.  Open Days to provide information on MEDU’s activities are organized monthly.


Coordination Camper Rome mail:

News from the project

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