Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) | Medici per i Diritti Umani

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)

MEDU does not tolerate any form Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)

MEDU does not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and sexual assault. This policy makes clear our commitment to addressing any form of sexual misconduct through screening, education, and the prompt and appropriate handling of any complaint of sexual misconduct.

  • No form of sexual misconduct will be condoned by MEDU

  • Orientation of those to whom this policy applies will include a review of this policy and will be held at least once every three years and for new employees within six months of the start of employment.

  • Any and every complaint of sexual misconduct will be dealt promptly, seriously and systematically.

  • All MEDU employees and related personnel are expected to provide humanitarian assistance and services in a way that respects and fosters the rights of beneficiaries and other vulnerabe members of the local communities.

You can report to any organization, directly, anonymously or on behalf of someone else. Reporting sexual exploitation or sexual abuse will NOT prevent you from receiving assistance or cause you to stop providing any services.


Contact an experienced staff member or go to an office of the organisation involved to submit an alert in person

Call or write a message to
MEDU: Call: +3906/97844892 - +39334/3929765 Write an email: